Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft. Previously Principal Compiler Engineer at GSI Technology and former scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Ondřej is the original author of SymPy, SymEngine, LFortran and LPython.
Selected open source projects that I created. See my GitHub and GitLab profiles for other projects. Besides that I contributed to many other open source projects inluding Jupyter/IPython, Debian, SciPy, NumPy, SageMath, Spack and others.
AI Frameworks group
Lead development of the LPython compiler.
Computational Physics and Methods (CCS-2).
Development of electronic structure methods for warm dense matter.
Responsible for releasing NumPy 1.7.
Development of electronic structure methods in atomic physics.
Comparison of High-Order, Adaptive Methods for Atomic Structure Calculations.
Development of methods for magnetohydrodynamics simulations.
MCMC fitting of stellar evolution models to color-magnitude diagrams from M31 galaxy.
Helping to develop free-access crystallographic database.
Development of control software for robotics.
See Blogs